I held a gun once. Not on purpose but I was looking for something in my parents bedroom, and while I was feeling around I found it, right beneath the place my father sleeps.
There it was, suddenly in my hand, small but heavy. The weight of it, I remember, scared me.
Holding it, I scared myself .
Placing it back under the bed it left an impression on me, making me consider what we physically and metaphysically hold within our memories, within our bodies. This forms the premise of this performance that was centred on black and othered bodies in the context of a world that by default is a burden on us.
Each blue brick contained a mental health statistics within black and brown communities; the bricks were then placed in a specially made coat. A total of 16 bricks were placed in the coat with interventions of sound, song and prose.
Performed at Hauser & Wirth London as part as the Hospital Rooms Program Khuluma

Image Credit Tom Shephard-Barron

Image Credit Tom Shephard-Barron

Image Credit Tom Shephard-Barron

Image Credit Tom Shephard-Barron