the intense now [2021]
“The Intense Now” art project is the result of a 3 month long online residency that brought together César Schofield Cardoso (Cape Verde), Nandele Maguni (Mozambique), Valerie Amani (Tanzania) and João Roxo (Mozambique).
The project was largely inspired by Felwine Sarr’s book “Afrotopia” and, in particular, by his reference to the need for Africa to “think of her own metaphor of the future”.
Closely observing the everyday life of the contemporary African reality with its diversity of spaces and temporalities of which this reality is composed - the project accumulated in a multisensorial and immersive online experience made of words, sounds and images, “The Intense Now” is an intense exploration in developing a new narrative for the future of the African continent.
“The Intense Now” residency and project was developed by MFF (Mozambique) in partnership with Storia Na Lugar (Cape Verde).